Brand Activation & Roadshow
PLUSRFID Launch 2018
PLUSRFID Launch 2018
The PLUS RFID Public Pilot was launched last Saturday in Bayan Lepas, Penang as an effort to offer more convenience and options to drivers at Penang Bridge (I), Butterworth-Kulim Expressway (BKE) and Jitra in the future. PLUS has allocated 10,000 PLUS RFID tags to be given away free for frequent drivers on these stretches.
Social Media Wall
Social Media Wall
Hashtag #PLUSRFID and social media post will automatically appear on our wall
iPad Registration
iPad Registration
3 fast step to sign up customer for RFID installation
QR Code Scan
QR Code Scan
Allow customer to login via their mobile through this QR Code and book a RFID installation slot